Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Tragic End to World Cup Revelry

For all of you reading the headlines about Kampala, I am happy to report that I am safe in the wake of the bombings on Sunday night. I awoke Monday morning not feeling well and decided to take a sick day. I was totally unaware of what had happened until mid-day Monday when the mother hen of the LINKAGES office, Roselyn, insisted on stopping by my house to ensure I was alright. I was quite puzzled by this until she explained all that had transpired.

Following the pattern of many terrorist attacks around the world, these bombers targeted locations where they could make a maximum impact—in this case, the crowds gathered together to watch the World Cup final. Both local and international news sources agree that the attacks were most likely related to Uganda’s role in peace-keeping efforts to support the interim government in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

Business seems to be continuing as usual in Kampala, though everyone remains on edge. At this point, I am keeping a close watch, along with the CID home office, on warnings and updates from the US embassy. Instructions so far have been only to avoid large gatherings.

Uganda, and Kampala in particular, have largely been considered “safe” places to visit for some time. I have felt safe, on a personal level, during my stay here. Events like these are a reminder that safe is a relative term—an attack like this is as rare here as in the US. As things stand now, I will stay here to finish out my internship (only 25 days left!) until/unless further developments render it unadvisable to do so.

Sunrise over Gulu, Northern Uganda

Posted by: Kate, Kololo, Kampala, Uganda